Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Bugs for Beginners 3.0

Hey Insect Lover!

Are you a photographer constantly snapping shots of insects but struggling to identify them? A teacher eager to guide students on nature trails but stumped by the bugs you encounter? A student interested in an insect project but unsure where to begin? Or perhaps an environmental educator who needs to stay updated on natural history, yet finds insects baffling? Whatever your role, our six-week long hybrid course is designed to help you conquer these challenges. Join India's pioneering hybrid crash course on insects, combining day trips, field camps, and online assignments for a comprehensive learning experience.

Duration: 15 July - 15 October 2024

Course Fee: Rs. 5000/-  Early Bird Offer: Rs. 4500/-  

This course will give you

    1. Insect Group Identification Skills
    2. Understand the role of insects in city ecosystem
    3. Adaptations which are habitat specific
    4. Learning about habitat creation for insects
    5. Develop writing and analytical skills by online referencing for scientific papers
    6. Understanding of ecology through project work

Click on the link below to enroll

Sunday, March 5, 2023



Mail India’s Environment Minister and Haryana’s Chief Minister asking them to scrap the zoo safari project in 10,000 acres of NCR Aravallis.


people have already submitted their Inputs. Have you?

Send Mail
Mail India’s Environment Minister and Haryana’s Chief Minister asking them to scrap the zoo safari project in 10,000 acres of NCR Aravallis.

Our Aravallis need to be left alone as home for precious native wildlife and to perform the critical ecological functions for millions of people.


In April 2022, Haryana’s Chief Minister Mr. Manohar Lal Khattar announced plans for a safari in 10,000 acres in the Aravalli range in Gurugram and Nuh districts of India’s National Capital Region. This project aims to be the largest such project in the world and cover five times the area of the current biggest safari and entertainment park spread over 2000 acres in Sharjah UAE. The term ‘Safari’ gives people the false impression that the proposed Aravalli Safari will be a safari on the lines of what people have experienced in the national parks and wildlife sanctuaries across India like in Corbett, Kanha, Nagarhole etc. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. The Aravalli Safari project is being conceived and designed as a zoo safari and not a natural jungle safari to see native Aravalli wildlife in their natural habitat. Aravalli Bachao Citizens Movement along with 6 leading conservationists of India that include water conservationist and Magsaysay Award winner Dr Rajendra Singh, conservationist and former member of National Board for Wildlife Prerna Bindra, conservation biologist Neha Sinha and ecologists Dr Ghazala Shahabuddin, Dr Pia Sethi and Meera Chandran, have sent their objections regarding this project to the government and given recommendations. This link has the detailed position paper. https://aravallibachao.wordpress.com/zoo-in-aravallis/ Aravalli Bachao Citizens Movement along with Let India Breathe has launched this email campaign addressed to India’s Environment Minister and Haryana’s Chief Minister and other government authorities asking them to scrap the zoo safari project and suggesting an ecological restoration plan for the 10,000 acres of NCR Aravallis that can be replicated in other areas.

How do I help? It's simple.:

Currently compatiCurrently compatible only for mobile. Please do not mail more than onceilble only for mobile. Please do not mail more than once.


This campaign is based on the inputs from the Aravalli Bachao team. It is a citizen-led movement from Deli NCR, please email at aravallibachao@gmail.com if you have any feedback on the campaign.

Citizens and Conservationists ask for the Aravalli zoo safari project to be scrapped and suggest an ecological restoration plan for 10,000 acres of the NCR Aravallis

Zoos in our forests go against ecological thinking and logic.Express love for the Aravalli forests and help save its native wildlife by sending this email to India's Environment Ministry and the Haryana Government asking them to scrap the zoo safari project in 10,000 acres of the NCR Aravallis and instead implement an ecological restoration plan recommended by 6 leading conservationists of India.*SHARE & AMPLIFY THIS PETITION*Help save the highly polluted and water stressed Delhi - NCRs lifeline for clean air and water from commercialisation and unwanted construction.#NoZooInAravallis#AravalliBachao

Friday, December 9, 2022

Play outdoors

 Playing a sport adds to a child's upbringing.  Here is an opportunity to take on football!

Roots Football, much admired academy of Bangalore (with over ten years of experience and many national level foot ball teams to their credit, is coming to the National Capital Region.  

Register for a free trial at 


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Internship for snakes

From Gerry Martin" Our work in snakebite mitigation and management is scaling up again and we need a few more hands on deck. This is an opportunity to work in the field, at a grassroots level to understand the dynamics of snakebite in a rural landscape. Please get in touch with Sumanth on sbindumadhav@hsi.org if you'd like to take on this internship. #snakebite #humanwildlifeconflict #fieldwork #epidemiology #ruraldevelopment #ruralcommunities #ruralindia"

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Study on citizen volunteers

"More than 100 ‘citizen scientists’ who had volunteered with the longest-running tiger research program in the world, led by WCS in India, were surveyed by the authors. Since 1990s, over 4000 such volunteers have been trained by WCS to survey wildlife populations and local communities across several Indian states including Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and others."

................The study revealed several important impacts of volunteering with WCS and CWS. Over 80% of the respondents acknowledged increased knowledge and concern for wildlife rooted in science. More than 60% said that they were able to use the knowledge learned during volunteering with WCS-India in other aspects of their lives. Several also indicated greater spiritual understanding about life in general................

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


-Nirmal Kulkarni

  1. Always let a family member/friend/colleague know the area and approx. location or range/beat of the forest as a rule. This is the first precautionary rule that every serious amateur / professional student of ecology or wildlife enthusiast should follow. It helps a lot in the long run in times of any eventuality.
  2. Always enter a Protected area with permits/ entrance tickets and after paying prescribed fees. In case of reserved forests and community forests one must inform the local forest officer or village community forest committee member before entry into a forest.
  3. Read up on the area/habitat/ current social and forest related issues in the area. It is also a good habit to cross check from those who have worked in the area before. A detailed map is always an asset too.
  4. First Aid Kit/ torch/water bottle/whistle/good walking shoes are essentials that one MUST have while heading out on a field trip. Do not attempt to borrow or share any of these at any time during a field trip. Get your own set of essentials and always be prepared.
  5. Be very clear on why you are visiting/ entering a forest area in the first place. Is it for leisure/investigation/survey/photography- a combination of any of these or anything different? It is essential you do just that and do not change focus. Remember, forest sojourns impact wildlife too. 

 Nirmal Kulkarni can be contacted at ophidian_nirmal@yahoo.co.in

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Getting lost in the woods...and surviving

Five tips if you get lost
No one plans to get lost, but it can happen; yes, it can even in these days of mobiles and Google maps.  We hear of people getting lost in forests without food or water but surviving for many days.  But how?  By eating lizards, squirrels, insects? We’re not saying that you need to practice your hunting skills, but the point is –  you must do what you have to do and survice. Most people would.

Whenever you enter the wilderness there are precautions you should take to make sure you’re prepared for anything.
These tips will get you started.

1) Plan for Your Situation

Every situation is different and should be treated as such. If you’re hiking in an area with unpredictable weather patterns, plan for warm and cool clothing. If you’re going hiking during the summer, pack plenty of water and wear light colored clothing. If you’re trekking into the wild by yourself, let a friend or family member know where you’re going, and when you plan on returning.

2) Know Where You Are

Study a map of the area or bring one with you. Being able to identify landmarks or waterways could save you in the event you get lost. Always carry a compass so you can triangulate your position.

3) Don’t Panic

The natural reaction is to panic when we are unsure of our surroundings. Panicking can waste crucial energy and affect your state of mind. Use the acronym STOP to regain your composure and get in the right mental state.

S = Sit Down
T = Think About The Situation
O = Observe Your Surroundings
P = Prepare for Survival by Gathering Materials

4) Call For Help

If you’re out hunting, firing your weapon can direct attention towards you and hopefully lead to your rescue. Unfortunately, most people aren’t carrying when they’re out hiking or camping.  A great alternative is a whistle, which studies have shown to be the least cost and most effective way of getting attention.

5) Be Prepared

Having a whistle is just one of many survival tools that can help you in a dire situation. A water filtration straw can help you drink safely from a river or stream, and a fire striker can easily assist you in getting a heat source going. But If you ask any survival enthusiast, they would probably tell you their knife is the most important. And for good reason. A survival knife can be used for:

First Aid Tool
Food Prep
Shelter Building
Fire Making
Hunting Weapon
Prying Tool
Make-Shift Screwdriver

Tips courtesy @ SurvivalKit.com Blog